The Pain of not jumping in

The Pain of not jumping in

You have a decision to make and you are frozen.  It feels too high and it feels too far and what if you were to fail.  So you choose a different kind of failure.  The wait and see kind.  But it doesn’t feel safe.  Your muscles are tense and your mind is racing. So you stay in an unhappy limbo doing nothing for fear of doing anything.  You even come up with silly superstitious ideas that you will see a sign to let you know what you should do!...

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Who should I be today? Psychotherapy tips for every day stress

Who should I be today? Psychotherapy tips for every day stress

We live in a society that doesn’t tolerate fear, anger or uncertainty very well. And it is supported by our language! People want to be rock stars, masters of the universe and goddesses. With so much expectation I am surprised I roll out of bed in the morning. I have clients that tell me they are depressed or anxious or they need anger management. We use these terms off handedly without realizing the impact of what we are saying. What if you...

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“I don’t think…”

“then you shouldn’t talk, said the Hatter.” ― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland Part II The other side is when you’re thinking clearly. It’s when you can take any situation and come up with several options to deal with it. If you can do that you are being flexible in your thinking and creative. We often trip ourselves up because we decide there’s only one way to do something or only one perspective. When you are stuck in being...

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Therapy for Depression and Anxiety

Therapy for Depression and Anxiety

If you are suffering from depression or anxiety you want to know how to relieve the symptoms of fatigue, sadness, hopelessness or the feelings of panic, fear and insecurity. Often people will say go to a therapist so what is the most affective therapy? Well my first venture into therapy was lying on a couch, staring up at the ceiling and babbling. My entertainment was listening to the therapist’s pen scratching on the paper. That was it, my...

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