Who should I be today? Psychotherapy tips for every day stress

Who should I be today? Psychotherapy tips for every day stress

We live in a society that doesn’t tolerate fear, anger or uncertainty very well. And it is supported by our language! People want to be rock stars, masters of the universe and goddesses. With so much expectation I am surprised I roll out of bed in the morning. I have clients that tell me they are depressed or anxious or they need anger management. We use these terms off handedly without realizing the impact of what we are saying. What if you...

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Are you Tired & Wired? Exhausted by life

Are you Tired & Wired? Exhausted by life

When your day is filled with stress the side effects that you feel are feeling disillusioned, helpless, and problems seem insurmountable. It’s difficult to get the energy to care—let alone do something about your life. You keep hearing you had a bad day playing in your head over and over. It’s time to turn that music off. When this wave of burn out hits you find your day is spent on tasks you find either mind-numbingly dull or overwhelming. And...

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